Sunday, July 25, 2010

Trekking Paradise !

Last weekend, myself and four other friends of mine set out on a trek through the western ghats particularly rly track between Donigal and Subramanya also known as ‘Green Route’. That trip turned out to be one of the most beautiful experiences i had in my life recently. I strongly recommend this trekking route for any nature lovers, trekkers and weary souls.

For long, I was obsessed with laptop, defects, hustle and bustle of congested city life, polluted air and other jebber jabber.
Finally, the sight I was greeted with on arrival at western ghats was an ecstasy.... mesmerizing views of nature, the lush greenery, fresh comforting breezes, lavish openness and a pleasant soothing solitude around makes time fly. The time spent between two stations i.e Donigal and Yedukameri was an unforgettable experience of Western Ghats. Marvelous views of the tropical evergreen forests that blended with the verdant valleys, gentle waterfalls nestled in the folds of the hills, gushing streams, breath-taking bridges and endless tunnels.

As soon as we crossed Sakaleshpur town, sights of lush green mountains, fresh breeze started treating us. We parked our car outside small hotel in Donigal rly station and then walked towards Subramanya. We were told that after 3-4 kms of walk, we would start seeing bridges and tunnels. What made the walk more thrilling was the fact that rly track was active with trains passing on both directions. While on the bridge, if there was any approaching train, we had no place to stand beside because the only walking stretch was a piece of metal sheet laid in between two lines of track. So how do we escape ? run run run... towards end of the bridge ! This reminds me of solving physics problems in college days where we had to calculate the direction and speed with which boy standing on middle of the bridge has to run, so that he can safely escape from being hit by approaching train. Well, I hardly remember those formulas now...adding to that I had no way to get the speed of train, our exact position on bridge, length of bridge, our maximum running speed etc. Please do not mistake yourself that, the moment train arrives, my brain is capable of computing the best soln given those data. I had decided to lie down between the track lines, hoping for miracle to save me :-)

The excitement started when we first encountered a goods train on our way. The train was moving very slowly, blowing siren again and again. So we decided to lay siege on the track and steal some pics of ourselves with train approaching directly behind us. Ah .... I knew we will get some yelling from train driver or guard.
Thankfully, the driver was smiling at us when train got closer.... Just when the train passed us, we noticed it has two engines at the rear as well. Train needs some extra push from behind to climb through the ghats. So this was good news for us.... as soon as rear engine passed... we jumped back on tracks and clicked pics showing ourselves directly behind an approaching train. Now everyone is found blinking at those pics :-)

Many of the bridges are several meters high above a running streams, dense forests and deep valleys. Sometimes the ground beneath the bridge was invisible as it was covered by clouds/fog. The moment we met the first bridge, we were all excited and took pics. When I crossed the first bridge, I didn't dare to look below or hear any sound.... just kept walking through the thin metal sheet. finally when I reached other end, i was like...oh man its so simple,I missed the sights and sounds :-)
We continued our trekking and encountered staggering cliffs...view below was running deep in to endless forests and mountains. When we saw the first tunnel, it was like a dark cave beneath a huge mountain. The sight of track going in to that dark cave was like entering a 'gateway of unknown world'. No one knew what lies behind, how far is the tunnel, are their any animals, bugs, bees or snakes ? Something mysterious, secret, and dangerous. Yet none of us were hesitant to make an entry. We knew smoke from lighting a match stick would be an invitation for attacking bees, so we decided to pull out our torch lights, mobile phone lights and walking slowly without making any noise inside.
As we walked slowly, we could only see our feet illuminated by our torchlight and nothing else was pitch dark. As we walked little further, took a small curve inside the tunnel and then we could see a glimpse of light sneaking in. As soon as we exited the first tunnel, the second tunnel was waiting for us minute away. We took a breath of fresh air, light and immediately entered the second one.
The second tunnel was not dark as we saw light making its way through a small opening at the middle of its length. We decide to check out what lies outside that opening. The opening was big enough for one person to get through with his head tucked. When we went out, we could see only plants, trees and grass all around us but there was also some sound of water gushing through rocks. We went little further down and in came the breath taking sight of a water falls. We found ourselves on a cliff in between two big mountains separated by huge river. The water was roaring through rocks, curving, diving and splashing vapors all around.
The mist and sound generated by water falls had clouded our ears and eyes. I was very thrilled and excited by that sight and sound.... I'm sure Neil Armstrong's moon landing experience wouldn't have been far more better. I must admit I fell in love with this place so much so that i declined to proceed further and my mind was running high with romantic thoughts :-) Honestly, I have no words to admire that beauty. No wonder, the Western Ghats have been named one of the world's top 34 hot spots of natural diversity. During the monsoons, the rain-swelled waterfalls and train traffic on tracks only add to their magic. The view is just so spectacular that leaves no words to comment. All one can say is, it's very beautiful.

Details of Trek route :-
The Green Route is a stretch of track from Sakleshpur to the Subramanya Road Station. The 57 km stretch is covered by 58 tunnels, 109 bridges and about 25 waterfalls. Scenic sites starts from Marenhalli station i.e 158/5000 (Rly distance units) till Yedukameri station i.e 172/5000. Carry torch lights, good pair of trekking shoes and food before starting the adventure.

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