Monday, September 13, 2010

Mysterious Dreams

Why does man dream during asleep? How do those new imaginary thoughts come in to mind during sleep? Can we control those thoughts? What really happens to man while he is dreaming?
These are some of the questions which Man or Technology hasn’t been able to answer yet. It has remained as mysterious secret since evolution of Human being on earth.

Recently, I got some more food for thought on dreams when I watched movie.
Last weekend, I had been to English movie ‘Inception’ after hearing lot of hu ha about it in the media. I found the movie to be quite interesting and puzzling.
The essence of movie is planting an idea in some ones mind through a dream and then controlling his actions, extracting info etc.
The movie peeks in to world of dreams that makes the potential of the human mind infinite.

I found this concept to be interpretation of Rene Descartes’ (Greatest philosopher, scientist and thinker of all time) theory. The author of infamous quote “I think therefore Iam”.
Rene Descartes started imagining the world by stripping away all things open to doubt.
Our thoughts cannot possibly be true bcas we are not altogether perfect. He removed the evidence of senses as they don’t give true impressions of external world.
Thereby he conceived he could have no body and it disappeared. But he could not think that he did not exist. As long as something is doing the thinking, he couldn’t release final bonds of existence and fly to great bed chamber in sky. Thus came statement “I think therefore Iam”.

So he asked whether enquiry is better conducted while awake or sleep. Dreams may produce all sorts of illusions out of pure imagination. Our reasoning’s are never so evident or complete during sleep as during wakefulness. So Descartes concludes “thoughts during sleep must infallibly be met with in our waking experience.”

I guess this is rather stunning theory wherein Descartes tries to give some reality to our dreams. The movie ‘Inception’ also digs out this imaginary world of reality by inducing the mind in to cycle of dreams i.e dream within a dream.

I wonder if this idea takes any shape in real world what would happen to human actions and their limits. Their perception of reality changes….they do things they have never done before in state of wakefulness….and one can get in and out of new different world, a world where there is no control over ones actions and thoughts….just go with the flow.

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