Sunday, March 27, 2011

why study history ?

I always wondered what is the benefit of teaching history as a subject in schools. I used to hate history just because it was hard for me to memorize the facts, dates, events and vomit them in the examination paper. I still hate to remember things which can be fetched easily such as birthday's of friends, recipe for cooking or instructions to fix a unrelated problem. I just think that...our memory is limited just like a RAM in the computer. Instead of stuffing this precious little memory with useless garbage or easy to fetch data...use the brain cell energy for imagination, remembering stuff which will make things fast etc

okay okay okay....let me not bias the argument because of my own prejudices on the subject....let me present the facts and try to make open minded analysis around the topic.

First and most important fact to consider is that, By far almost all students view of history is that, it is merely a collection of true stories rather than an interpretation of the past. Most of the history which is taught in schools is basically nothing but interpretations of some smart ass which means they are very debatable. For example: Few years ago, there was a controversy created when BJP came to power, HRD minister Murli Manohar Joshi had ordered all CBSE syllabus to alter their presentation of history ( which were predominantly covering Islamic dynasty ) to give more importance to Hindu rulers and their successes against Muslim invaders. The changes were short lived as they were re-written by Arjun Singh when BJP regime was overthrown by Congress party.
Here, it is quite clear that each party wants to force their own view of history on be either seen as sympathetic to a cause or garner more votes in the election. Furthermore, in some cases the history is totally distorted just to keep national secrets and pride high. Example: The facts surrounding India's defeat against China is largely missing in the history books. Our netas feel its just not necessary for our younger generation to learn about their forefathers humiliating defeat against enemy.

The situation is not very different in other countries. While I was talking to my friends from Pakistan and US. I learnt that History books in Pakistan tell that Pakistan defeated India in 1965 and 71 wars. In US, almost every high school student thinks that America and German joined hands to fight Russia during world war. Thanks to the cold war and its ramifications on history books. African Americans were typically defined through the eyes of other, usually the writings of whites, who depicted blacks as mindless slaves.
At the end of day, readers do not get to see actual picture...they are forced to see the one painted by the government.

More disturbing consequences of studying this 'interpreted history' is breeding of continuous resentment and hat redness of one community over another.
All the wars in history were fought for more or less same reason i.e some past humiliation by one king over another king, family feud, power struggle, love failure, religious supremacy etc.
Moreover, the influence of past events on the current issues is not always clear for students. Are we expected to find a solution that will please everybody ? i.e next to impossible task. People live in the present. They plan for and worry about the future. History, however, is the study of the past. Instead of working on future, why bother with what has already been?

Of course, teaching history involving controversial issues allows students to realize the complexity of the society they live in. History also teaches us how to learn from the mistakes of others.In general, History helps us understand people and societies. But are these benefits worth time and effort involved in studying one subject all through school age ?

Thoughts to Ponder over :-

"All modern wars start in the history classroom". Anonymous

"History is little more than the register of the crimes, follies and misfortunes of mankind". Edward Gibbon

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